Saturday, February 12, 2011

2011 Moki Mansion Meeting

We had a very nice turn out for our year end meeting (2010). We discussed a lot of important things and I think we accomplished quite a bit in the meeting. Thanks to everyone for their willingness to help make 2011 and the future of the Moki a success and something we can be proud of.
Our officers for 2011 were elected and the decision was unanimous.
President - Tim Holden
President Elect - Wayne Sexton
Secretary - Steve Karren
Treasurer - Myrna Richens


  1. Thank you Wayne, Michelle and Myrna for all you did this year to make the Moki Mansion float for another year. We appreciate your time and sacrifice that made our summer vacation enjoyable. Wayne, thank you for all your talents and willingness to spend your spare time on our behalf.

  2. Thanks Russ but you were an awesome help as well. It takes everyone doing something to help make this houseboat enjoyable. Thanks to all who help keep things clean and in good repair.
